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TOPIC: Revelation - Eternal King + Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin
MEETS: Thursdays, 10am-12pm, Fellowship Hall
CONTACT: Pam Radesky
DURATION: 10 Week Study, Continuing
DESCRIPTION: Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as the very last one. The book of Revelation overflows with images and ideas that confound our modern ears. But if all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Why don’t we see it that way?
Two thousand years ago, John’s Revelation was circulated and read aloud among seven churches in Asia Minor. Those who heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. The same can be true for you today. Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible—the culmination of God's great story—speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.
TOPIC: Matthew chapters 17-28
MEETS: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, Fellowship Hall
CONTACT: Tom Schneiders
DURATION: 12 week study, Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: Our study in the Matthew’s Gospel is on RightNow Media (Sign up for RightNow Media here). Matthew was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. He was also known as Levi, a former tax collector who left everything to follow the Messiah. In this book of good news we'll focus on Jesus as the KING.
TOPIC: Single adults ages 18-30 meet weekly for fellowship & Bible study
MEETS: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, Youth House Downstairs
CONTACT: Bruce Mackenthun + Bronwen Mackenthun
DURATION: 6 week Study. Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: This study will utilize RightNow Media (to sign up for RightNow Media, click here). The first study will be a Six-Part Bible Study Video Series with Tim Tebow on Living a Mission Possible Life
We want to do more than just exist. We want our lives to count. We want to believe that there’s more to our time on earth than just feeling pleasure, pursuing goals, and gaining social status.
Deep inside, we know the truth: our life’s mission is to live with purpose. For followers of Christ, living out that mission is possible because of what God has done for us through Jesus. We just need to know the steps to make it happen.
In this exclusive Bible study series, which includes six fifteen-minute video sessions, Tim Tebow introduces the tools you need to set your priorities and align your choices with God’s call on your life. Accompanied by his Bible, a notebook, and a cup of coffee, Tebow guides viewers through Scripture and offers a clear plan for encouraging us to find our unique, God-given sense of mission so that we can live out the life of purpose we desire.
Each video features motivational teaching and Bible study and closes with a specific Mission Takeaway. So grab your Bible, a pen, and maybe your favorite drink and join the conversation.LINK TO STUDY: Click Here
TOPIC: Married & engaged adults ages 18-30ish meet weekly for fellowship & Bible study
MEETS: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm, various homes of participating couples
CONTACT: Cole Lane + Rachel Lane
DURATION: 13 Week Study, Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: In a society where wealth is often the measurement of success, popular author and Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe unravels Ephesians to reveal the countercultural nature of the Gospel. Through helpful illustrations and analysis, he opens our eyes to the riches that we already have in Christ—though we rarely take advantage of them.
We are saved through faith, and with this gift come many other blessings. We have the Holy Spirit to empower us for the work of the Kingdom. We have the necessary spiritual armor to fight off enemy attacks. We have the promise of eternity with a loving Father and perfect God.
But not only has God given us the promise of an eternity in heaven—He has given us the reality of a relationship with Him on right here on earth. Be encouraged in this good news and stop seeking the things of this world, for we already have the priceless gift of eternal life in Christ!LINK TO STUDY: Click Here
TOPIC: Married Couples in all seasons of life meet weekly for fellowship & Bible study
MEETS: Sundays, 11am-12pm, Fellowship Hall
CONTACT: Robbie Hudson
DURATION: 7 Week Study, Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: When so many marriages are falling apart, you can pull yours together by encouraging each other through love, support and affirmation. Couples who bring out the best in each other build security and trust in their relationship. Your spouse needs things that only you can give. By learning what these are, and how to give them, you can bring fresh life into your marriage. Both of you will discover how to lift each other up and cheer each other on. This 7-week small-group study for couples will encourage you to: put the past in a healthy perspective; give each other room to try, fail and try again; and be accepted and accepting. Discover the safety and happiness of a nourishing marriage through Building Up Your Spouse.
Whether newlyweds, empty nesters or somewhere in between, connect with other couples–and find help and hope for your marriage.LINK TO STUDY: Click Here
TOPIC: When you’re in the season of motherhood, it can feel overwhelming at times. Agape Moms is a group that provides women with a supportive community while diving into scripture and walking that out together.
MEETS: 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Room 2
CONTACT: Amanda Grantham
DURATION: Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: Small group takes place twice a month (2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30) and includes a variety of topics and scripture to be discussed throughout the year, all centered around intentional parenting.
Prayer Group is held every first Wednesday night for a time of deeper connection and supporting one another while sharing current prayer needs and lifting those up together.
Lastly, each month offers a Moms Night Out and usually an Agape Kids play date as well. This allows for moms to have a distraction free time to grow relationships and have fun together, and then also strengthen the bond between other Agape families. We are all in this parenting journey together!
We welcome women with kids of any age who could benefit from such a community to come on a Wednesday night and join in on the discussion. -
TOPIC: Weekly Bible Study for Men & Women
MEETS: Sundays, 9:30am-10:30am, Fellowship Hall
CONTACT: John VanDerWerf
DURATION: 8 Week Study, Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: This study will utilize RightNow Media (to sign up for RightNow Media, click here). Comfortable Christianity often means a weak Christianity. In this study on John’s three letters, Dr. Tony Evans challenges Christians who have grown comfortable and complacent in their faith. Fellowship with God is the essence of our faith, and Tony walks through 1, 2 & 3 John to paint a picture of love, obedience, and truth. In a world that hates Jesus, we are called to love Him and His people with a fierce love.
TOPIC: Gathering for women to navigate emotions and to seek God's truth and healing
MEETS: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7pm-8pm, The Lonander Home
CONTACT: Lindsay Lonander
DURATION: Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: In 2008, Angie Smith and her husband Todd (lead singer of the group Selah) learned through ultrasound that their fourth daughter had conditions making her “incompatible with life.” Advised to terminate the pregnancy, the Smiths chose instead to carry this child and allow room for a miracle. That miracle came the day they met Audrey Caroline and got the chance to love her for the precious two-and-a-half hours she lived on earth.
Upon receiving the original diagnosis, Angie started a blog (Bring the Rain) to keep family and friends informed of their journey. Soon, the site exploded in popularity, connecting with thousands who were either experiencing their own heartbreaking situations or simply curious about how God could carry someone through something so tragic. I Will Carry You tells the powerful story of a parent losing her child, interwoven with the biblical story of Lazarus to help those who mourn to still have hope—to find grace and peace in the sacred dance of grief and joy.
This group will give women a safe place to come as they are after experiencing loss so they can work through the emotions, find truth in God's word and find others who can support them in their journey to healing. Understanding, listening ears and tissues will be provided.LINK TO STUDY: Click Here
TOPIC: Weekly Bible Study in Romans for Men & Women
MEETS: Sundays, 9:30am-10:30am, Room 1
CONTACT: Jeanette Henderson
DURATION: Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: All have sinned. There is none righteous. We are declared righteous by God only by faith in the blood of His Son. Romans 1 - 5 explains the foundational doctrines of our faith - original sin, justification, redemption, and propitiation. Gain an excellent grasp of the doctrine of salvation!
What you will discover:
Observation – In this first study in our Romans series, see precisely what Paul says in his letter to the Roman church about the human condition, the righteousness of God, and transformative power of faith in Christ for all those who believe.
Interpretation - Discover the meaning of Romans 1-5 in the context of Scripture.
Application - Apply what you're learning to your life as you discover the truth for yourself.
TOPIC: Weekly study group for women on Knowing God's Covenant
MEETS: Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Room 3
CONTACT: Jeanette Henderson
DURATION: 11 Week Study
DESCRIPTION: This incredible thread running from Genesis through Revelation. God enters into a binding agreement with His people and always keeps His promises. Trusting Him as a covenant partner frees us from the bondage of worry and anxiety. This study will transform the way you read the Scriptures!
What you will discover:
Observation: See precisely what the Bible says about the covenants God made with His people.
Interpretation: Explore the meaning of related passages in the context of Scripture.
Application: Discover what truths you can apply to your personal life as you learn what Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Paul, and more experienced in their relationships with God.
Dig deep into the details of Genesis 17, Hebrews 9:1-10:25, and Galatians 3-4 and discover how God ministered to His people at those times.
TOPIC: Approaching parenting through Scripture
MEETS: Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Room 1
CONTACT: John VanDerWerf
DURATION: 5 Week Study, Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: This study will utilize RightNow Media (to sign up for RightNow Media, click here). Confident Parenting is an excellent strategy for raising responsible kids to make healthy decisions. Unfortunately, most people parent their kids by circumstance and chance. This course offers a comprehensive approach to developing a healthy God-honoring parenting philosophy.
You will also learn a strategy to create a healthy family atmosphere. If you are a totally confident parent, this course is not for you! If you are sometimes humbled by the task of raising your kids to become responsible adults, then this course is for you! Whether you are a couple, a single parent, or a grandparent – this lively and informative course will encourage you and provide you with the help you need to become a confident parent. Parents can become more confident as they develop a healthy plan for the family. This course is intended for parents and grandparents with children of all ages.
TOPIC: Follows the Sunday Message.
MEETS: Mondays, 6:30-8:00pm, Youth House Upstairs
CONTACT: Jordan Guy
DURATION: Continuing Group
DESCRIPTION: Christian Surfers, Surf City Chapter, is an all-church inclusive discipleship ministry using surfing as a common thread. The goal is to help people realize that living for Jesus is the COOL thing to do, and most of all you get to have fun doing it! Bible study is held every Monday night at 6:30 upstairs at 509 N. Topsail Dr., where there is a meal and great group discussion over Scripture. All ages and surfing levels are welcome. There are also beach meetings sporadically when the waves and weather are optimal. Come check it out!
TOPIC: Women's Bible study exploring the Good News through Romans
MEETS: Thursdays, 6:30pm, Jennipher Burns Home
CONTACT: Jennipher Burns
TOPIC: Fellowship once monthly for widows and divorcées
MEETS: 4th Sundays, Noon, Fellowship Hall
CONTACT: Laura Wagoner + Tammy Keith
DURATION: Continuing Group