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Worship Hour Time Change

  • The Gathering 304 Wilmington Avenue Surf City, NC, 28445 United States (map)

Worship Hour Time Change

February 2nd is a big day at The Gathering! So, set your clocks, put it in your calendar, tie a string around your finger, or write it on your bathroom mirror. The worship hour times are changing! Instead of 8:10, 9:25 10:40, and 11:50, the new worship hours will be 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, and 12:10. This will allow some extra time for parking and (hopefully) help the flow of traffic inside the building as well. If you have questions about the time change, contact The Gathering Office.

Fun Fact:

If you’ve ever wondered why the times were so strange before, it was due to the old Surf City swing bridge turning every hour on the hour. So,  if you got caught at the bridge 5 minutes before worship started you’d end up being about 30 minutes late. These odd times helped a lot of The Gathering get to worship on time. If you didn’t know, now you do!

January 24

Family Game Night

February 5

First Wednesday Potluck